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Burgerkill - Only The Strong

Download Mp3 Gratis Burgerkill - Only The Strong disediakan hanya untuk keperluan evaluasi !!. Kami tidak menyediakan file Burgerkill - Only The Strong.mp3 di server kami.
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Lirik / Lyrics
Chord dan Lirik Lagu Burgerkill - Only The Strong

Video Clip
Video Clip Burgerkill - Only The Strong

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Lirik Lagu Burgerkill - Only The Strong

Wake up! Get up! We need to step up!
Your presence is required
A long hard road through millions of ingested pain
There’s nothing easy to escape
Our fate’s in motion*courtesy of
Push that door,destroy the wall
Together we’re looking for a direction
Set a fire,feel the flame of our desire
We’re never desperate for guidance, our heart screams inside with pride
It’s now or never!
It’s our chance to lead the way
We’re all fired up
We won’t be their fucking slaves
And we have to save our selves
Our fate’s in motion
Stand on and grip to what we believe
They are to weak to tell us how to live
Their words will never hold us down
We’ll kill them without a sound
Determination is the only solution
Side by side,dare we stay until the end
Pursuing a dream of glory and making a places in our own history
I know there’s nothing perfect in this world
And our futures are still digging for the comfort zone
It’s now or never!
It’s our chance to lead the way
We’re all fired up
We won’t be their fucking slaves
And we have to save our selves
Yeah i’m never gonna stop and we never gonna drop
Fight to see a better day
Let them know,let them know
Only the strong..We are venomous!

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