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Chord dan Lirik Lagu Fireflight - What I’ve Overcome
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Video Clip Fireflight - What I’ve Overcome
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Lirik Lagu Fireflight - What I’ve Overcome
I’ve got this passion
It’s something I can’t describe
It’s so electric
It’s like I’ve just come alive
I feel this freedom
Now that my past is erased
I feel the healing
I found the meaning of grace
(I found grace)
*courtesy of Inboxlagu.blogspot.com
If only you could see me yesterday
Who I used to be before the change
You’d see a broken heart
You’d see the battle scars
It’s funny how words can’t explain
How good it feels to finally break the chains
I’m not what I have done
I’m what I’ve overcome
I know I’ll stumble
I know I’ll still face defeat
These second chances will define me
So I’m moving forward
I’m standing on my two feet
I’ve got momentum
I’ve got someone saving me
(Got someone saving me)
If only you could see me yesterday
Who I used to be before the change
You’d see a broken heart
You’d see the battle scars
It’s funny how words can’t explain
How good it feels to finally break the chains
I’m not what I have done
I’m what I’ve overcome
I’ll make mistakes and I might fall
But I won’t break
I’ve got someone saving me

Coming Soon @ Inboxlagu.blogspot.com
RingTone Hp Gratis
Ringtones Wav, Midi, Amr gratis Fireflight untuk handphone/ponsel anda
RingBack Tone (RBT) / NSP
Kode i-Ring Nada Sambung Pribadi NSP lagu Fireflight - What I’ve Overcome
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