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Chord dan Lirik Lagu Gamma – Lost In Love
Video Clip
Video Clip Gamma – Lost In Love
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Lirik Lagu Gamma – Lost In Love
Please, save my soul, I cry
Before my love does die
And such a feeling I have never had before
I will never ever love anyone at all
I know it’s true
All dreams come true
How could an angel break my heart
Like you do?
Out of the blue
There is no angel of love
Without you
Let’s find the starry sky
Before you say good bye
As light as a feather, I am flyin’ high above
It ain’t over till it’s over, lost in love
I know it’s true
All dreams come true
How could an angel break my heart
Like you do?
Out of the blue
There is no angel of love
Without you
I know it’s true
All dreams come true
How could an angel break my heart
Like you do?
Out of the blue
There is no angel of love
Without you
There is no angel of love
Agel of love
Without you

Coming Soon @ Inboxlagu.blogspot.com
RingTone Hp Gratis
Ringtones Wav, Midi, Amr gratis Gamma untuk handphone/ponsel anda
RingBack Tone (RBT) / NSP
Kode i-Ring Nada Sambung Pribadi NSP lagu Gamma – Lost In Love
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