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Chord dan Lirik Lagu Alexa Key - Aku Kangen Aku Rindu
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Video Clip Alexa Key - Aku Kangen Aku Rindu
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Lirik Lagu Alexa Key - Aku Kangen Aku Rindu
I miss your body
I miss your face
I miss your breathe
And I miss your finger
I miss your cards
On your credit cards
I miss your house
And I miss your dog
I miss your neck
And I miss your eyes
Miss your carrying your Belly Button
I miss your love
And I miss your laugh
Miss your life
And I miss your lies
I miss you smell of your body
Miss the smell of your breath
I miss the way you laugh
Aku kangen matamu
Dan aku rindu
Caramu melihat aku
I miss some of your voice
I miss you when you talk
I miss the way you walk
Aku kangen pelukmu
Aku rindu belaimu
Aku kangen aku rindu
Sumpah aku rindu kepadamu
Sumpah aku kangen kepadamu
I never talk
I could be on this way
Cinta setengah mati
I miss the shape of your lips
I miss the taste of your lips
Aku kangen cium kamu
I miss the shape of your lips
I miss the taste of your lips
Aku kangen aku rindu
Sumpah aku rindu kamu selalu
Sumpah aku ingin bersama selalu
I never felt this out of place before
Cuma kamu yang bisa
Buat aku begini
I miss your body
I miss your face
I miss your breathe
And I miss your finger
I miss your body
I miss your finger
I miss your cards
On your credit cards
I miss your house
And I miss your dog
I miss your cards
I miss your dog
I miss your neck
And I miss your eyes
Miss your carrying your Belly Button
I miss your eyes
I miss you hand
I miss your love
And I miss your laugh
Miss your life
And I miss your lies
I miss your life
I miss your battle
Sumpah aku rindu kepadamu
Sumpah aku kangen kepadamu
I never talk
I could be on this way
Cinta setengah mati
Sumpah aku rindu kamu selalu
Sumpah aku ingin bersama selalu
I never felt this out of place before
Cuma kamu yang bisa
Buat aku begini

Coming Soon @ Inboxlagu.blogspot.com
RingTone Hp Gratis
Ringtones Wav, Midi, Amr gratis Alexa Key untuk handphone/ponsel anda
RingBack Tone (RBT) / NSP
Kode i-Ring Nada Sambung Pribadi NSP lagu Alexa Key - Aku Kangen Aku Rindu
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