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Oka - You Make Me Cry

Download Mp3 Gratis Oka - You Make Me Cry disediakan hanya untuk keperluan evaluasi !!. Kami tidak menyediakan file Oka - You Make Me Cry.mp3 di server kami.
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Chord dan Lirik Lagu Oka - You Make Me Cry

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Video Clip Oka - You Make Me Cry

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Lirik Lagu Oka - You Make Me Cry

Boy, explain to me
Where have u been?
Where were u last nite?
See I was up all nite


Things don’t seem right
Please tell me why
Need I say good bye?
U make me cry
Verse 1:

It’s not that im not trying to explain the situation
But deffinition of a loyalty is me
Last nite approx 10 o’clock
My boy rade asked me to meet him at the club, so
Let’s forget about ur instinct
Cuz everybody knows and see this wedding ring
I never change, u know I don’t fling (u know better)
So forget about the party, the bullshit, the bling-bling
Think about the future, this is nothing, there’s more
So, let’s make a little something
We connect, check the zodiak
When it comes to sex girl, u like a maniac
I like it when u say my name
u my top choice not the game, forget the pain
look it me, close range
even if u fat like..shit I ain’t got to explain

Back to chorus

Verse 2:

So wut’s nexx? Explain to me wut u wanna do, break up?
This cant be real I gotta wake up
My mom loves u allready, since we 1st steady
Many, many men wish they can have u, but they poof
As the earth rotates, only I that stays by ur side
Some say time kills, but u know I still luv u I still need u baby


Cant u see? U don’t treat me like u use to be
Baby just let me be cant u see?, u don’t treat me like u use to be
Baby just let me be can’t u see?


U’ve hurt me boy
See u cant bring me joy
And I just cant go on
So leave me alone

Verse 3:

Baby chill, don’t get it twisted
I still luv u like I luv chocolate (remember that?)
Stop talking like u smell shit
Cuz I don’t even talk to any of they groupie chick
Tequila pitch? I don’t touch
Trust me and don’t judge, eyes shut, hands clutch
Don’t say bye bye bye
Promise I would never make u cry cry cry
Even though time flies life goes on
Truthfully, without u I cant move on
I can tell it’s u girl that I belong
So please understand baby im not strong
Life stinks, I don’t have anything
I only have u girl, u my everything
I cant rap, I cant sing but let me tell u 1 more thing
1 last thing I didn’t fling girl


To forgive is a beautiful thing
Control ur emotion, it doesn’t have a brain
To forgive is a beautiful thing
Yeah I know u still feel the pain

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