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Chord dan Lirik Lagu Nidji – Disco Lazy Time
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Video Clip Nidji – Disco Lazy Time
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Lirik Lagu Nidji – Disco Lazy Time
Wake me up tonight…
Drive me to the Town….aaa aaa aaa
Sleep with me tonight…
She’s my lonely wine…aaa aaa aaa
Nothing is forever….
Nothing is for real….aaa aaa aaa
Do you have to leave me….
Why don’t you just kill me….aaa aaa aaa
Time…is the loneliest people then life
Is the loneliest time..
Time…is the loneliest people life…ahaaaa.. now..
This is disco laziest time
(I want you, I need you)
This is disco laziest time
(I want you, I need you)
Techno baby come around
(I want you I need you)
This is disco loneliest time
(I want you and I need you now)
Nothing is forever….
Nothing is for real….aaa aaa
Do you have to leave me….
Why don’t you just kill me….aaa aaa
Time…is the loneliest people then life
Is the loneliest time..
Time…is the loneliest people life…ahaaaa.. now..
This is disco laziest time
(I want you, I need you)
This is disco laziest time
(I want you, I need you)
Techno baby come around
(I want you I need you)
This is disco loneliest time
(I want you and I need you now)
If you see and believe
if you alive…and I want you so much and I need..
(I want you and I need you)
(I want you and I need you)
(I want you and I need you now)
(I want you and I need you)

Coming Soon @ Inboxlagu.blogspot.com
RingTone Hp Gratis
Ringtones Wav, Midi, Amr gratis Nidji untuk handphone/ponsel anda
RingBack Tone (RBT) / NSP
Kode i-Ring Nada Sambung Pribadi NSP lagu Nidji – Disco Lazy Time
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